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2021 Dark 'N Stormy and Commodore Update!

Writer: westendyachtclubwestendyachtclub

The first order of business is to thank Peter Clatworthy for stepping up to accept the position of Commodore of the West End Yacht Club! He has taken to the role and is leading the charge in keeping the Club fun and organized. Thanks again Peter!!

Please see his note below regarding this weekends' Dark N' Stormy Regatta.

"It is with deep regret I have to announce the cancellation of the forthcoming race to Anegada.

It looks like a NE wind at 25 knots on the nose, and 6-8ft swells in the anchorage at Anegada.

Many boats have elected to withdraw and after discussion with the Race Officer( Judy) and RoR ( Martin) it has been reluctantly decided to postpone the event.

Many thanks to everyone who had put effort into organizing and sponsoring this event, but safety considerations and the weather gods dictated the decision for us.

Peter Clatworthy




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1 comentário

Membro desconhecido
25 de fev. de 2021

I would sincerely like to thank Peter for stepping up to the plate. Dave Cooper, who died in 2020 of cancer, was Commodore for 9 years. He was my partner and I know he would wish you the very best in your new role, as would I. Well Done, Peter. xoxoxo

Nancy Terrell - PR & Social Director, WEYC 1997 - 2006

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